
Please view the Conference Programme here

Gweler rhaglen y Gynhadledd yma

Friday 1 November


Registration: Music Building, Bangor University, College Road, Bangor LL57 2DG


Roberts Room

Session 1a: Repression, Disobedience and Resistance

Chair: Daniel P. Grau

Jordi Olivar (Auburn University):
On fear and loathing: Almirall Mañé i Flaquer and the Núñez de Arce Debate (1886-1887)

Catriona Coutts (Bangor University):
The possibility of resistance in a foreign tongue: the case of Catalan writers in Castilian and Welsh writers in English

Sergi Auladell (University of St Andrews):
From disobedience to discipline: the return to order of Catalan politics during and after the 2017 Declaration of Independence

Parry Williams Room

Session 1b: Geographic Teaching Spaces

Chair: Rhiannon McGlade

Ruben Manuel Oronich (University of Manchester):
El perfil dels estudiants anglòfons de català a l’estranger

Andrea Nayelli Ruiz García (Amistad Catalunya)
La presencia catalana y su reconocimiento cultural en Guadalajara. La vinculación e intercambio cultural por medio de la lengua y cultura popular entre comunidades en contacto

Marina Casadellà (University of Leeds), Txuss Martín (University of Cambridge) & Rafael Marín (Université de Lille):
Linguistics in Comic Books



Coffee/Tea break


Session 2a: Land & Nature

Chair: Margalida Pons

Maria Dasca (Universitat Pompeu Fabra):
L’amor i el dolor de la terra. Paisatge i innocència en la narrativa d’Antònia Vicens

Agnès Toda (Universitat Autònoma):
Elisenda Portabella o quan la solidaritat et pren la vida

Laia Darder (Sheffield Hallam University):
Tourism as a postcolonialist force: the locals’ invisibility in the Mallorcan real estate linguistic landscape

Session 2b: About Language

Chair: Pedro Nilsson-Fernàndez

Artur Garcia Fuster (Zadar/Barcelona)
Jesús Moncada, més enllà del mite de Mequinesa

James Thomson (University of Sussex):
The Geo-politics of Catalan Beginnings

Laia Danés, Laura Gallegos (Universitat de Girona):
The Presence of Birds in the Medieval Occitan Catalan verse narrative


Matthias Hall

La vida de la Rebeca Jones: A Modern Welsh Classic in Catalan Translation 
the author Angharad Price in conversation with Helena Miguélez-Carballeira


School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics Reception


Matthias Hall


Un ventilador

Poetic Performance by Esther Roca and Gisela Arimany


Check into hotel / own arrangements for dinner

Saturday 2 November


Roberts Room

Session 3a: Female Writers & Visual Artists

Chair: Elisenda Marcer

Eva Bru-Domínguez (Bangor University):
Unruly Surfaces: Excess in the photography and video art of Begoña Egurbide

Louise Johnson (University of Sheffield):
The Sagi Contexts: A Queer Trajectory of Remembering

Rhiannon McGlade (University of Cambridge):
‘Someone will remember us’: The Forgotten Female Cartoonists of the ‘Barcelona Generation’

Parry Williams Room

Session 3b: Literary, Physical and Semantic Mutations

Chair: Guillem Colom

Laura Bolo (Queen Mary University):
The presence of metamorphoses in Rodoreda’s collection of stories La meva Cristina i altres contes

Aleksandra Goclawska (University of Cambridge):
‘Only converts survive’? Boundaries, transformations and refractions in Maria Mercè Marçal translations of Marina Tsvetaieva and Anna Akhmatova

Enric Portalés (Universitat Jaume I):
Fuster i l’eufemisme: espais geogràfics i espais polítics


Coffee / Tea Break


Matthias Hall

Hywel Williams MP

Chair: Catriona Coutts


Lunch (including ACS Committee meeting)


Matthias Hall

Chair: Jordi Làrios
Singing from the same song-sheet? Ethics versus Aesthetics in the Folk Revival and Nova Cançó

Prof. Dominc Keown (Cambridge)


Matthias Hall



Roberts Room

Responsables meeting

Matthias Hall

Screening: Title (TBC)
Documentary for S4C
With Ruben Chapela

Chair: Catriona Coutts & Eva Bru-Domínguez


Coffee / Tea Break


Roberts Room

Session 4a: Performing & Staging Identity

Chair: Laia Darder

Aleida Bertran (Latvian Academy):
Ethnographies of a festival: país de sardana and the community of North Catalonia

Aina Monferrer-Palmer (Universitat Jaume I):
Televisions de proximitat i (re)construcció d’un imaginary col.lectiu nacional. El cas d’À Punt

Eva March (Universitat Pompeu Fabra):
La projecció cultural catalana a l’exterior: el Museu d’Art de Catalunya de portes enfora (1900-1939)

Parry Williams Room

Session 4b: Built Environments

Chair: Guillem Colom

Mathew Oxley (University of Sheffield):
Cerdà’s intervías as literary praxis in late 19th and early 20th century novels

Carme Narváez (Universitat de Barcelona):
The public representation of the Diputació del General in times of political conflict: constructive models of the institution in the last quarter of the 16th century

Daniel P Grau (Universitat Jaume I):
Hibridació de discursos: La passejadora de gossos, de Francesc Bodí, entre la filosofia i la novella


Conference dinner: TERAS

Sunday 3 November


Roberts Room

Session 5a: Poetry

Chair: Elisenda Marcer

Josep Anton Fernàndez (UOC):
Homosexual desire in the poetry of Blai Bonet

Margalida Pons (Universitat Illes Balears):
Emocions proscrites; escriptura, gènere i afectes en algunes poetes catalanes

Montserrat Lunati (University of St Andrews & Cardiff University):
Un estiu de Francesc Parcerisas (2018): un dol derridià per la mare i els amics

Parry Williams Room

Session 5b: Theatre

Chair: Eva Bru-Domínguez

David George (Swansea University):
Identity and linguistic delectation in Sergi Belbel’s Mexicatas: creative process and performance

Hannah Sams (Swansea University):
Playwrights of ‘the borderline experience’: Aled Jones Williams and Sergi Belbel

Maria Moreno i Domènech (Universitat Pompeu Fabra):
Una altra Fedra, si us plau: A meta-literary reflection of the myth of Phaedra


Coffee break


Matthias Hall

RIMAT: Francesc Parcerisas

Chair: Jordi Làrios